Thursday, December 9, 2010

Welcome to my absolutely fabulous blog!

Hi new online diary,

If you don't know me, my name is Pretty Princess (or at least thats what my friends call me!) and I'm so excited for my birthday!!hmm, maybe I shouldn't talk about my birthday because it's such a long way away and just for the record my birthday is in September the prettiest season of the year Spring! oh i just love it when all the flowers bloom and the sun shines. Anyways i have 4 people in my family i have my mum, my dad and my sister Lisa. I should talk about my pets too well i have a dog named Oscar and he is sooooooooo cute and a really pretty dog named Princess and my two big dogs too, their names are Harley and Brownie. We used to have a little puppy named Charlie but he ran away just before christmas (oh how i miss him so dearly) oh well it doesn't matter because we've gone over it but all we hope is that he has a good new home and a good new loving family and also that he has a fun and enjoyable life.
Talk soon,
Pretty Princess

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